Making Commercial Real Estate Stand Out!
CORE PAC is the Commercial Real Estate of Wisconsin Political Action Committee. CORE PAC represents the interest of commercial real estate professionals in Wisconsin. CORE PAC allows you to support candidates that support the issues you care about without being a direct contributor to their campaign. Your PERSONAL funds are pooled with other industry professionals and the PAC makes the contribution. Contributions are determined by the CORE PAC Board of Directors.
The Legal Stuff - Please take a moment to review these notes regarding contribution legalities.
- Contributions to CORE PAC are voluntary and MUST BE personal funds. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law.
- Contributions are not deductible for purposes of federal income tax.
- Contributors must be US Citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens.
- Contributors may not be reimbursed by any party for contributions made.
- Contributors do NOT need to be members of NAIOP.